Ask, consult and get the info

Contact us and ask about anything - availability, skipper qualifications, yacht features, rental procedure...

We are completely at your disposal at any time of day. ON LAND

Av baixador de Valldoreix 121
08197 Valldoreix

tel. Esteban: 600 920 057


Who we are?

hoto Credit: Jorge Durá

Jorge Durá, founding partner

Jorge is our naval engineer and skipper. He was the driving force behind the company in its early days, and continues to drive business to this day. His technical skills, entrepreneurial aptitude, his experience and his passion, make him the ideal person to lead the company.

hoto Credit: Juan Durá

Juan Durá, Socio fundador

Juan is our e-marketing expert and a very enterprising person. In love with the sea since childhood he has always looked for ways to share his passion with people. Finally, with his brother Jorge, he has found that way. The two of them have combined their love and passion for the sea into one single entity – Bababa Sailing. And they’d love you to join them on their journey.

